History of The Premium Spin Cap

The Premium Spin Cap is the flagship product of Spin Control and it's been over a decade in the making! In the interview above, Charles Montgomery (aka Bboy Goku), from Soul Control Climax Crew tells the story of how he came up with the design and what influenced him in the process.

From first seeing the legendary professor Storm from Battle Squad Crew of Germany use the traditional Euro Cap, to seeing his crewmates Megaman and Pablo slowly make additions and improvements to the classic headspin beanie design, Charles decided to make a model for himself that would improve his headspins and power move combinations.

He added padding to the inside of the beanie that reduced the pain on his head enabled him to practice longer. He decided to sew an elastic strap around the head that ensured his spin cap would not come off during transitions. This was a huge improvement over the buckle designs that would bump the floor during combinations and ruin the flow of momentum. Additionally, because the elastic was sewn on, it didn't get left behind at practices or events. Finally, sourcing high-quality mesh and then double layering it improved the lifetime of each headspin beanie significantly. 

After sharing the beanies with his crewmates and close friends in the community, Charles' Premium Spin Caps got a reputation for being the best in the game. Soon enough, people across the country were asking for their own Premium Spin Caps. The international requests started pouring in shortly after. A few years later, Spin Control was born to help distribute the beanie on a wide scale and to continue making innovational products that push breakin' culture forward. Make sure to check out the Premium Spin Cap and the other products we have cooked up since.